Thursday 25 January 2018

DIY Watch_Dogs 2 style cyberpunk LED goggles

Image result for watch dogs 2 wrench<-- THIS.

Image result for chemion
These cool glasses.
K. I know that the game is old. But I always wanted to make Wrench's mask from watch dogs 2. I know that there's already people who made this mask. I've seen people use LED matrices, or These glasses. I originally thought of using the LED glasses, but I couldn't get my hands on the sunglasses. Plus, where's the fun when you just buy the finished product? So, I decided to make my own version using LED matrices.

Parts And Stuff

Now, there's a guy that made the goggles using LED Matrices like I'm gonna, and to be honest, i found out the existence of 8 x 16 LED matrix adapter things through this blog. The guy in the link used THESE small Adafruit featherwing LED matrix display kit. Well, I'm gonna use a bigger LED matrix. THESE ones from Adafruit are the ones I used. I got 4 of them 8 matrices in total. 
Image result for Arduino nano
Arduino Nano.
 Also an Arduino nano to control the stuff.
16x8 1.2
The LED matrices I used.
 And...Well....That's about it. Some Extra parts are: EVA Foam, Some perfboard, a AA battery pack, a 5v boost converter, and some rubber bands.

Design Changes And Shit

Image result for josan gonzalez
Josan Gonzalez
I was originally going for Wrench's mask, but I decided that it was too much work. so I just decided to go for a cyberpunk-style goggle headgear thingamajig.  I think i got the idea from The Artwork of Josan Gonzalez, which is cool.  So I decided to make  the thing into a kind of a cyberpunk style goggle thing.


The matrix modules are I2C. They're pretty straightforward. connect SDA to A4, SCL to A5, Positive to positive, ground to ground, and you're done. Don't forget to change the I2C addresses on the matrix displays. 

Fritzing didn't have any parts that I needed, so...Yeah.

The Goggles Itself

I Made the thing out of EVA. 5mm craft eva. Grey 5mm craft eva. I measured my lab goggles, and drew them on a piece of paper. then I "squared" out the round bits, and... well, essentially, I drew the bounding box for my goggles and then traced the template onto EVA. I cut that shit out, and glued them. Then I added the electronics.
The image on the left is with the main frame and electronics complete. I then added a black-painted perfboard to the giant gaping hole in the middle, so that i could see outside, but others couldn't see my face. The holes on the perfboard allow me to see through it. Oh, I also added straps.
Lights on.
Basically, this is how i see shit. Tiny FOV, and blurry images.
Straps. and batteries.

Moody ass photo
There it is.

Well, the black perfboard looks weird, and the LEDs are too exposed. so, I added a piece of green acrylic on the front, and added a piece of paper on the perfboard. looks better in my opinion. Some extra EVA, Printed stickers, and more stuff gives it a kind of a cyberpunk feel too. I think. The finished product isn't what i had in mind when I first started this, but I like it better than what I first planned.

Code and Shit.

Basic shit. uses adafruit's GFX library and LED backpack library.
The code cycles through 
 "^ ^" --> "TT  TT" --> "??  ??"
5 seconds for each thing.

UPDATE: Added a button to cycle through the faces. Button connects between digital pin 6 and ground. code also updated.

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